- Nutrient deficiencies
- Weakened immune system
- Constipation
- Insomnia, nightmares
- Dizziness / fainting spells
- Slowed metabolism
- Slowed reflexes
- Anemia
- Low body temperature
- Low blood pressure
- Dry, blotchy skin
- Hair loss
- Period loss (amenorrhea)
- Infertility
- Facial hair or increased body hair (hirsutism, lanugo)
- Trouble concentrating
- Organ damage, incl. heart & brain
- Brittle bones / osteoporosis
- Permanent loss of bone mass
- Weakness / exhaustion
- Irregular heartbeat / heart failure
- Death
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Weakened immune system
- Erratic periods
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Weakness, lethargy
- Tooth enamel erosion, cavities
- Gum recession
- Acid reflux
- Esophageal tears
- Chronic sore throat
- Blood shot eyes / ruptured vessels
- Dehydration
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Swollen glands
- Abrasions & scars on hands
- Liver & kidney damage
- Epileptic fits
- Electrolyte imbalance / irregular heartbeat / cardiac arrest
- Death
Gluttony / Obesity
- Weakened immune system
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- Flatulence
- Hiatal hernia
- Acid Reflux
- Digestive problems
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Lethargy
- Decreased mobility
- Varicose veins
- Arthritis, joint problems, diabetes, stroke, some cancers and many other diseases
- Kidney infection/failure
- Heart problems/failure
- Death ?eventually it kills you
- Persistent stomach cramps
- Swollen hands and feet
- Damage to bowels leading to long?term constipation (dependency)
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte imbalance / irregular heartbeat / heart attack
- Death